The first of many
Hmm....Once again, I jump on the bandwagon late; still, believe it or not, I've wanted to do something like this for a while (have a little webbie, post stuff, pictures and bits of random trivia that I've collected over the years), and since I've got a bit of time I thought "ah what the hell" and set this 'ere bloggie up... 'Course, now that it's up, I've got somewhere to post the random stuff that I think of, eh? If you know me personally, you should have a rough idea what to expect: random stuff, lame comments, long questions and assorted stray thoughts that I fish out of the chaos that are the realms of my thoughts ^_^ I make no promises on the quality of the writing nor the well-being of your sanity (save for the standard of English, and for the millionth time it's "I COULDN'T care less!!"....stupid Americans...), but those who know me should already be aware of this ^_^
On a side note, I'm not anti-american, I'm just of the view that humanity in general are idiots until proven otherwise. Americans simply happen to be very obvious targets who keep proving me right. Remember kiddies, it's not racism if you hate everyone! ^_^
On a side note, I'm not anti-american, I'm just of the view that humanity in general are idiots until proven otherwise. Americans simply happen to be very obvious targets who keep proving me right. Remember kiddies, it's not racism if you hate everyone! ^_^
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