Rambles from the Chaotic Realms

Now updated whenever the hell I feel like it, which may or may not be roughly once a month. I make no promises.

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Location: Singapore

Monday, November 27, 2006


The owner of this blog is currently incapacitated following an aborted bid to achieve full lichdom. While approaching the full skeletal decay stage preceding the manufacture of a phylactery to store the spirit, he found himself unemployed and removed from the premises of his former workplace. Thus lacking a conducive environment, the epidermal layer soon began to regenerate and revoked the owner's undead status. The subsequent system shock proved to be too much for his constitution and the owner has since been smote by a malevelont entity only known as the micro-organism "Influenza".

Steps are being taken to repel the invasion of this insidious agent, so the citizenry is urged to remain calm and continue to monitor the situation. Contingency plans and various countermeasures have already been prepared in the unlikely event that the situation should worsen, and a full recovery is expected to be achievable in a matter of days. Should you encounter any individuals proclaiming the death of this blog or its owner, please report their identity and location to the authorities to facilitate extermination.


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