Rambles from the Chaotic Realms

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Sunday, October 23, 2005

Densho Otoko! GANBAREEEEH!!!!

Gwahahar! Finally got around to watching the first ep of Densha Otoko, and I must say it deserves all the praise that's been heaped on it. For those who don't know, Densha Otoko is based on a real life series of events that took place on a japanese forum some time ago. Apparently some guy started posting asking for advice on dating women on a forum, and eventually (after the thread grew to enormous length) someone took the whole thread, compiled the contents and turned it into a novel. This novel became popular enough that it eventually spawned a movie and a TV series. (too condensed for you? head over to http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Densha_Otoko)

What's surprising is that while this series is really popular in Japan (and I think Hong Kong), most Singaporeans have no idea what this series is (or what it's about), which is really sad considering it's actually pretty good (even though it's a romantic comedy). Normally I can't sit through romantic comedies without making fun of a few (totally ludicrous) scenes/cliches, but this is the first series I've watched that had me rooting for the lead by the end of the first episode (and coming from a jaded cynic like me, that's no mean feat ^_^) Seriously, just watch the first episode of the TV series (which I'm told is better than the movie) even if you think you're too 'manly' or 'macho' to be watching shows of this genre =P


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