Rambles from the Chaotic Realms

Now updated whenever the hell I feel like it, which may or may not be roughly once a month. I make no promises.

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Location: Singapore

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


So here I am, about to sit down and do another late update on my blog when my wonderful li'l sister rolls the chair away from me when my back is turned. Thanks to my superior reflexes, however, I get away with it with a slightly sore ankle (which stepped on one of the rollers) and managed to plant myself on the chair anyway, but Jac, if you're reading this: I KEEL YOU!!

Speaking of poking, the other Followers of the Chua and I did a 4-man tag-team simultaneous SMS poke the other day, which was pretty fun ^_^ We'll probably do it again before class this Sat; it'll probably be worth the smiting we'll get just to see the Chua's reaction ^_^" Although it's probably not a good idea to do it too often; I am simply LOVING what the Chua did for that pinup I did, so much so that I now have a brand new avatar pic *ogles his new avatar* Preeeeciousssssss.....

Lessee, what else happened this week....Other than my being involved in the SATS dinner and dance thingamajig yesterday, nothing much interesting happened... Which is odd, considering I've been busy as heck -_-" Between preparing for the In-Camp Training that's gonna end on the 17th, joking about Umbrella-and-Twig-dual-wielding classmates and trying to catch up on sleep, just keeping track of what day it is is giving me trouble -_-" Oh well......at least I won't have to deal with the mahna-mahna-numa-numa combo until Saturday, which is in.....less than 3 days already?? Ye gods! My homework! *frets*


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