Rambles from the Chaotic Realms

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

SOS-団 redux

If you're going "Wow, another post already?", then do what I'm doing and blame it on my having my brains scrambled by taking in the Idolm@ster previews and those damned Touhou flash music videos in quick sucession with no recovery period (gee, thanks a lot, K!). Between the sheer 萌え-moe-pawaa of the former and the mind-flaying addictiveness of the latter, it's a wonder I retain enough sanity to understand what's going on while I read the online translations of the Suzumiya Haruhi novels.

Speaking of the novels, I must say that my appreciation of Tsuruya (aka LOLfang-tan the LOLita....well, she's not really much of a loli, actually) has gone way up....along with gaining a certain suspicion of the character. Speculation aside, though, reading the English translations of the novels revealed that there's plenty of material available for a second season already, sequence-breaking and all, so I'm surprised that there hasn't been any word of the commencement of production of new episodes so far. Maybe the director is thinking of how to mess up the episode order even more than (s)he did in the first season (which in turn already messed up the sequence of events that were revealed in the novels), or maybe they just can't decide on what to call the new series XD

Thought for the day: What in the nine hells is UP with the cheap animation budget on the Super Robot Wars Original Generation: Divine Wars series? Here's hoping they take a leaf from Transformers: Galaxy Force and improve the quality of the CG as the series goes on....


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