Rambles from the Chaotic Realms

Now updated whenever the hell I feel like it, which may or may not be roughly once a month. I make no promises.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Misadventures in the early morn

Wow, has it really been 3 months already? Oh well, better late than never, eh? And it's not like this blog has never been resurrected before XD

So anyway. I was typing a really long rant about the silly Americans opposing stricter gun control laws even in the wake of yet another high school shootout, but it was hardly amusing, barely coherent and I forgot the point I originally wanted to make with it in the first place. Isn't it fun trying to do anything that requires more than two brain cells at 4 am in the morning? There's probably a lesson to be learned in this somewhere, but in the meantime, I'll settle for figuring out how in the nine hells I'm supposed to make things like clothes all nice and shiny in photoshop....


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