Rambles from the Chaotic Realms

Now updated whenever the hell I feel like it, which may or may not be roughly once a month. I make no promises.

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Tuesday, July 04, 2006

SOS-団, 万歳!!

Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu, a.k.a. The Melencholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, is pretty much the first anime where I had no idea what in the nine hells was going on....mostly because the director of the series decided to play around with the episode order. As such, the first aired episode is actually episode 11, the second one was actually the first episode going by the chronological order of events, etc. Naturally, this made no sense whatsoever until I actually saw the whole series (which I managed to do in a three-day marathon of obtain->watch->burn).

Of course, watching episode 14/6 was a lot like getting the last piece of the puzzle, only to find that you've had the jigsaw upside down the whole time -_-"

Nonetheless, I highly recommend the show to anyone who likes sci-fi stories (don't be fooled by the first 3 episodes; the show is really sci-fi with romance/comedy elements)...Plus, Haruhi herself is pretty darn cute, especially for someone who's totally insane ^_^ Even if you don't intend to watch the series, at least check out the super-happy-cotton-candy ending song (with dance steps included!) on youtube or something; you can't go wrong with cute dancing anime girls, now, can you? XD