Rambles from the Chaotic Realms

Now updated whenever the hell I feel like it, which may or may not be roughly once a month. I make no promises.

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Location: Singapore

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Well, if you got it, flaunt it, as I always say.....

Therefore, this space shall henceforth be my dumping ground for random snippets of conversation (imaginary or otherwise) and other miscellaneous scraps of writing that I wish to commit to posterity for whatever reason.

So how is this different from the last few times I ressurrected this old blog? I now officially do not care if the post has two line of an imaginary conversation! Imagine the possibilities! I now no longer have to devote precious clock cycles thinking of ways to pad out the post into something long enough to bother posting!

.....Now as long as I don't end up posting everything on Facebook instead......


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