Rambles from the Chaotic Realms

Now updated whenever the hell I feel like it, which may or may not be roughly once a month. I make no promises.

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Location: Singapore

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Censorship and You!

Hmm. It seems that recent news headlines here in the sunny little red dot include the sueing of two bloggers who posted supposedly racist comments on their blogs. Not having read the actual posts in question, I'm hardly in a position to comment, but at the risk of sharing their fate, I gotta say that this smacks of hypocrisy to me. You want people to be more spontaneous, take more risks and be more open, yet you sue two guys for stuff they wrote on their blogs? Whatever happened to the whole "freedom of speech" thing, hmm? Yeesh... Bureaucracy at it's finest, ladies and gentlemen~

Moving right along, I FINALLY got Ninja Gaiden, which of course means it's time to finally finish the #$%^& thing (from scratch, no less.....blargh)...Starting all over again is gonna be a pain inthe ass, but it's better than just leaving it -_-" Along with Psychonauts, the number of quality Xbox titles that I have is growing nicely, I must say ^_^

Alright, I'll keep it short this time....I'm off to get me some ice cream with FUDGE! FUDGE-Y!!! Mwahahahaha!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

The trouble with softsubs...

..is that it's frikkin' irritating to watch anything when you have to keep scrolling down to read the subtitles. That said, it says a lot about how much I like FF7:Advent Children when even this major irritant isn't enough to stop me from loving it...It's so beautiful, it makes we wanna cry...*sniff*

Oh, in case you haven't noticed; FF7: Advent Children, BEEYOTCHES!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! Go watch it NOW if you have even the slightest interest in FF7. Seriously. Go. Now. NOW!! Stop reading this and go GET IT NOW!! Squenix have outdone themselves this time; even the end credits sequence is so beautifully rendered that you'd swear it's live tape overlaid with CG! Can't wait 'til I get the hardsub...

PS: If anyone from the gah-men is reading this, I'm a law-abiding citizen who will buy it when it's out, and have obtained this release through entirely legal means. Yup. Totally above board. No potential legal issues here. Stop looking at me like that.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

"I simply have a penchant for intelligent conversation. Yesssss.."

For those of you who've never watched Beast Wars, or simply can't remember which episode that line is from, it was a response to the question "Why do you keep talking to yourself?" I bring this up because it's one of my three standard answers when people ask me that question, the other two being 1)to shut up and stop doing it and 2)tell the truth, ie that I'm simply thinking out loud. Y' see, I happen to have a mind that races around from one subject to another really quickly, and getting it to focus on something isn't always easy. To counter that, I usually talk it out, going through the thought processes verbally so I can focus on what I want to be doing, which gives people the impression that I'm talking to myself (which, in this case, I am).

Of course, sometimes I'm simply just making a snide comment to no-one in particular with the invitation for someone else to comment on my comment, and it doesn't help that I usually end up talking while looking at whatever it is I happen to be doing at the time (multi-tasking at it's finest).

Talking to myself, of course, tends to freak people out since they can't handle someone who just won't shut up if he doesn't feel like it. These are the people who would *really* be in trouble if they knew what goes on in between my ears, because I tend to hold conferences in there as opposed to simple conversations. Here's a little taste of what I mean, which happened a while back when I was thinking about this subject:

Me: Is it *really* such a bad thing to keep talking to yourself? I mean, people keep asking me why I keep talking to myself, but it's not like I'm crazy or anything, right?
Me2: Why are you still so sensitive about what people think about you? It's not like you do that all the time anyway...
Me: But it freaks people out lah dey..
Me2: You freak people out anyway -_-"
Me3: Stop doing it lor
Me: Well, yeah, but it's almost a reflex now-
Me4: Is anyone else wondering why exactly we're talking to ourselves like this?
Me3: Well yeah, but I don't think you can be crazy if you know you're crazy or doing "abnormal" stuff.
Me: But what if we *are* crazy, but just don't know it? Are there like, different kinds of crazy?
Me2: Well, if there weren't I'd say we wouldn't need to have therapists and mental institutions, would we?
Me3: This conversation's getting mighty crowded, don't you guys think..?
Me4: At this rate we might as well start giving us names -_-"
Me2: Oo, oo! I wanna be Me2-D2!
Me3: Then I call Me-3PO!
Me4: What about me?
Me: Which me?
Me2D2: That me.
Me4: Me me! It's not exactly fair that those two get to ripoff names like that when there aren't many names with numbers in them..
Me-3PO: We're arguing about fair use of names when we're all the same person?
Me2-D2: If we're all the same person but have different opinions, are we still the same person?
Me4: We're all living in the same head, right?
Me-3PO: So do schizos and people with split personalities.
Me5: You guys are *all* crazy!
Me-3PO: This, coming from the guy arguing with himself in his own head?
Me: Okay, this is SO going in the blog...

For the record, I/we am/are of the opinion that everyone's a little crazy, in our own little way, which is why "normal" is such an oxymoron when you think about it.

Are we an "I", or "we"? If I argue with myself, are we arguing or am I arguing? Blargh...K, shutting up now..

Anyway, tune in next time, for more forays into the Chaotic Realm! matte mitte neh, minna-san~

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The first scanned piccy I've done. Been a while since I've done this one Posted by Picasa

The first of many

Hmm....Once again, I jump on the bandwagon late; still, believe it or not, I've wanted to do something like this for a while (have a little webbie, post stuff, pictures and bits of random trivia that I've collected over the years), and since I've got a bit of time I thought "ah what the hell" and set this 'ere bloggie up... 'Course, now that it's up, I've got somewhere to post the random stuff that I think of, eh? If you know me personally, you should have a rough idea what to expect: random stuff, lame comments, long questions and assorted stray thoughts that I fish out of the chaos that are the realms of my thoughts ^_^ I make no promises on the quality of the writing nor the well-being of your sanity (save for the standard of English, and for the millionth time it's "I COULDN'T care less!!"....stupid Americans...), but those who know me should already be aware of this ^_^

On a side note, I'm not anti-american, I'm just of the view that humanity in general are idiots until proven otherwise. Americans simply happen to be very obvious targets who keep proving me right. Remember kiddies, it's not racism if you hate everyone! ^_^