Rambles from the Chaotic Realms

Now updated whenever the hell I feel like it, which may or may not be roughly once a month. I make no promises.

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Location: Singapore

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Densho Otoko! GANBAREEEEH!!!!

Gwahahar! Finally got around to watching the first ep of Densha Otoko, and I must say it deserves all the praise that's been heaped on it. For those who don't know, Densha Otoko is based on a real life series of events that took place on a japanese forum some time ago. Apparently some guy started posting asking for advice on dating women on a forum, and eventually (after the thread grew to enormous length) someone took the whole thread, compiled the contents and turned it into a novel. This novel became popular enough that it eventually spawned a movie and a TV series. (too condensed for you? head over to http://wiki.d-addicts.com/Densha_Otoko)

What's surprising is that while this series is really popular in Japan (and I think Hong Kong), most Singaporeans have no idea what this series is (or what it's about), which is really sad considering it's actually pretty good (even though it's a romantic comedy). Normally I can't sit through romantic comedies without making fun of a few (totally ludicrous) scenes/cliches, but this is the first series I've watched that had me rooting for the lead by the end of the first episode (and coming from a jaded cynic like me, that's no mean feat ^_^) Seriously, just watch the first episode of the TV series (which I'm told is better than the movie) even if you think you're too 'manly' or 'macho' to be watching shows of this genre =P

Monday, October 17, 2005

Wai mai shohldaz hurrt?

My life is pain.

For some strange reason my left shoulder's been aching since yesterday, and I dunno why. Ouch. Can't even do the 'neck-crick' thingy, so I'm guessing the muscle has seized up and refuses to relax. Bleargh. On the other hand, The Chua likes the old old piccy, so yay me! Ahaha...Oh, and this weird show on Star Movies, "America's Sweethearts"? I've been watching it for the last 20+ minutes, and I *still* dunno what's going on. It makes less sense than the Milkman level from Pyschonauts, and is nowhere near as charming/cool as the Milkman level was. Then again, Pyschonauts is a damn good game by itself anyway, so maybe that's not a fair comparison.


I'm hungry. My shoulder hurts. I am tempted to start quoting from the Milkman level. Ow.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

It's all about the packaging, baby!

Yes, yes, I know, late entry.... Wassamatter, bonus piccies not good enough for ya? ;P Heh.... Well, to make up for the lateness, I'll spare you the sorta-serious post I had in mind (yeah, I know..."me?? serious?? O_O" heheh ^_^) to do a fanboy write-up about the bane of Transfans (fans of Transformers, such as yours truly) and toy collectors everywhere: Twist Ties!

Yes, twist ties, those little horrors of translucent plastic threads that tie the toy pieces to their plastic confines in their little cardboard boxes. In theory, they're a pretty neat idea: you can shake up and drop a mid-to-large size cardboard box, and the contents will stay in more or less the same position so you don't have to worry about having to rip open the boxes to fix your lovely hand-made display that those pesky little kids and snobbish collectors just messed up. In practice, these things are horrendous little buggers that take forever to untwist and leave you with lots of "spare parts" lying around after you've opened the box. For the collector (or at least, one who doesn't give a damn about keeping his stuff in Mint In Sealed Box condition), it usually means you end up spending more time unpacking your latest acquisition than actually playing with the damn thing -_-" It's not really an issue for somewhat smaller toys like the Binaltech line of Transformers (thank the gods), but the larger Galaxy Force figures like (the very cool) Galaxy Convoy are packed with so many of the little buggers that one wonders if the guys who design the boxes aren't playing out some twisted bondage fantasy (which might not be too far off the mark, knowing these mad japs -_-")

And it's not just the Japs that are doing it: Packaging in general seems to be getting harder to get through. It's like manufacturers everywhere simultaneously thought "Hey, I know! Let's make our packaging really flashy and eye-catching to disguise the fact that they're really anti-consumer coverings! With any luck those morons will break the product while trying to open it up and then they'll have to buy another one! Cha-ching! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" I mean, come ON! I've already paid for the damn thing; why do I have to go through 6 layers of scotch tape just to open the cover of my new CD?! And I haven't even started talking about the inclusion of those little business mail/advertisements that are standard issue with magazines and original games (as oppsed to the "ahem" versions) nowadays. I'm pretty sure most of you out there have had this experience: "Ooh, new issue of , let's buy it. Hmm, I think I'll read my new issue on the bus *open magazine* Oops! It's raining paper!"

Now, to take the bad taste out of my mouth, I'll leave you with some linkies so non-mecha fans out there will know what I'm referring to. Yep, it's shameless pimping time! ^_^


Sunday, October 02, 2005

The inked, photoshop-cleaned version of something I did late last year.... For some reason, the eyes became shinier than they used to, and I never did get around to doing the background, but whaaaatever man =P Posted by Picasa

From me first character design lesson (with help from The Chua, of course).... Although dressed in slightly less revealing clothes now (emphasis on slightly), I still like 'er...Now to think of a *name* for her... Posted by Picasa

All hail the Chua!

Well, well, well.....The first weekend that I'm spending by *not* attending my Manga drawing class; surprisingly, I managed to finally get around to scanning/photoshopping those random sketches I had lying around (that one little SD sketchy was starting to get lonely..), although I haven't gotten around to putting those mecha ideas down on paper yet....What can I say? Inking and cleaning stuff up with photoshop is demanding business, and spending the whole afternoon (1300 to 1800, in fact) has more or less tapped the creativity well; I'll probably get around to it next week (I hope -_-").... It's too bad creativity ain't like a tap you can just switch on; it's more like a raincloud that comes by every so often, and the best you can do is work on your rain dance and hope that you don't get a freak dry spell when sit down at your creative outlet of choice (or worse, a thunderstorm when you're nowhere near it...now THAT is bloody irritating, since Murphy's Law tends to kick in, resulting in you being unable to remember some/most/all of the ideas you've come up with)....

Hmm. Surveying the results of today's handiwork, I realise one thing: I *still* need more practice inking. Bah. -_-" Still, cleaning up an inked work is a helluva lot easier than doing the same thing with a pencilled drawing (note to self: quit using translucent paper with printing on the back for drawing paper.....stupid cheapskate SAF recycled paper >_<) Maybe after a few more months (or maybe years -_-") with Sensei Chua, I'll look back at this and laugh.....Or cringe as I conitnue to do the same thing ^_^" Speaking of the Chua, I would take this opportunity to shamelessly plug the word of Chua, except that only my classmates would have any idea what in the nine circles and/or 10 levels of hell I'm talking about. Yay for in-jokes, eh? ^_^ Still, the Goddess Chua's artwork is exceedingly jealousy-inducing, but that's why she's the 'cher, I guess....All hail the word of The Meanie! Ahaha.....(Relishes the fact that nobody knows what blasphemous rubbish he's been spouting for the last paragraph....and the fact that he's referring to himself in the 3rd person, evil genius style)

Right. Anyway, I supppose I should go upload those piccies to me blog as well as me friendster...All criticism, comments, cease-and-desist orders and death threats to the usual places, please ^_^ Oh, and feel free to save-as if you want; just don't go around passing it off as your own, yeah?