Rambles from the Chaotic Realms

Now updated whenever the hell I feel like it, which may or may not be roughly once a month. I make no promises.

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Location: Singapore

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Do I look old in this?

Okay, so here's the deal: Over the years, some people have remarked to me that I look and/or act older than I actually am, which of course makes absolutely no logical sense whatsoever considering that there are people older than me who act like teenagers, and people who are my age or younger who have half a head full of white hair (the other half being grey hairs of varying shades). Nevertheless, this hasn't stopped people from being surprised when I tell them my real age, which may or may not be a good thing depending on how you look at it. Of course, since I'm a guy, it's not so bad since (as some have pointed out to me) a guy who looks mature is generally seen in a better light than a woman who looks old ^_^"

That being said, however, I gotta say that it's still kinda disturbing to be having dinner with my family the other day, only to have my sister suddenly grab my head and start staring at my hair while telling me not to move. I mean, I was like "WHAT THE HELL, WOMAN????" until I got my answer a few minutes later, when she announced to the table "HE'S GOT WHITE HAIR!!" and pointed at the offending strand of hair (yes, just ONE strand) before twisting my head around to illustrate her point ("Look, look!").

Normally, I'd put this down as yet another item on my list of "10564 (and counting) reasons why I hate the army", but until today I've yet to see any evidence of this singular ivory strand so I'm going to assume it was the lighting of the eatery we happened to be in at the time. Frankly speaking, I'm more surprised at the fact that I didn't just reach over and smack her upside of the head for that little stunt; still, I've got plenty of other ways of annoying the hell out of her, so it's all just as well I guess ^_^

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


So here I am, about to sit down and do another late update on my blog when my wonderful li'l sister rolls the chair away from me when my back is turned. Thanks to my superior reflexes, however, I get away with it with a slightly sore ankle (which stepped on one of the rollers) and managed to plant myself on the chair anyway, but Jac, if you're reading this: I KEEL YOU!!

Speaking of poking, the other Followers of the Chua and I did a 4-man tag-team simultaneous SMS poke the other day, which was pretty fun ^_^ We'll probably do it again before class this Sat; it'll probably be worth the smiting we'll get just to see the Chua's reaction ^_^" Although it's probably not a good idea to do it too often; I am simply LOVING what the Chua did for that pinup I did, so much so that I now have a brand new avatar pic *ogles his new avatar* Preeeeciousssssss.....

Lessee, what else happened this week....Other than my being involved in the SATS dinner and dance thingamajig yesterday, nothing much interesting happened... Which is odd, considering I've been busy as heck -_-" Between preparing for the In-Camp Training that's gonna end on the 17th, joking about Umbrella-and-Twig-dual-wielding classmates and trying to catch up on sleep, just keeping track of what day it is is giving me trouble -_-" Oh well......at least I won't have to deal with the mahna-mahna-numa-numa combo until Saturday, which is in.....less than 3 days already?? Ye gods! My homework! *frets*

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Pencils! Rarrh!!

By borrowing liberally from the stack of graphic novels I obtained from the library, I have overcome my creative rut! Fear my pencils of DOOM!! Rarrh! *drawdrawdraw*

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Now where's that muse when you need her.....

I am very annoyed.

Because of that stupid incident that happened on Sunday I now have 2 extra duties for reasons that I am not entirely responsible for, I missed an update on this 'ere bloggy(which I've only gotten around to doing now), then I proceed to have a really sucky day capped off with me discovering that the creativity well dried up about 4-6 hours ago, which would've been helpful if I hadn't already started hacking away on my picture composition homework before coming to that particular realisation -_-" So now I have a pencilled piece that I don't know what to do with, with something about it that I'm not quite happy about but am not entirely sure where the problem lies, and I STILL haven't even gotten started on my *other* art homework (which I don't have any inclination to start on, seeing as how my muse has decided to take a vacation without informing me first). I would say I'm just having a bad art day, but it's more of a really bad week overall so far; hell, it's only Wednesday and already this qualifies for the semi-finals of the "second-worst week of my life" award. It's almost enough to make me wish that that "I can have his head chopped off if I decide that his haircut is offensive!" line applied to me so that I can vent my frustrations by dooming some random passers-by to a splattery death (with extra gibs, of course). Of course, the logical thing to do in this case would be to boot up Unreal Tournament and start putting bullets in people's heads, but I lost the "play" disc for my UT 2004, so that's not really an option.

I am so very annoyed.